Dreams to Digital Realities: An Exploration of Narratives in Gaming
Dreams to Digital Realities: An Exploration of Narratives in Gaming Cait Salmon* *Freelance Digital Artist This non-peer reviewed entry is published as part of the Critical Gambling Studies Blog. To cite this blog post: Salmon, C. Dreams to Digital Realities: An Exploration of Narratives in Gaming. Critical Gambling Studies . https://doi.org/10.29173/cgs162 A popular question that continues to be debated within the realm of media is: are video games an art form? A painted canvas, a render, a novel, or a film all succeed in being considered true masterpieces of art if they can tell a story that resonates with their audience. While games do a fantastic job showcasing art, innovation and mechanics, their most exceptional and controversial aspect lies within narratives and storytelling. Unique narratives have given birth to iconic and infamous characters that have resonated with players for years. Linear, non-linear, and experimental narratives h...